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Absurdism - a purely human trait?

Is absurdity and humour reserved for us humans? Can computational absurdity be also considered humour (creatively funny)?

Photo by Dominik Vanyi on Unsplash

For some unbeknown reason, this popped into my head yesterday and I had the impetus to write about it

/“Roses are red/

/Violets are blue/

/This doesn’t rhyme”/

I can’t remember where I have seen it. But it stays with me when I need a laugh. I love absurd humour. A lot of people will think “huh, what?” as it is absolutely silly and pointless. Agreed.

But exactly that makes me crack up. It’s somehow a shock in expectations, which is what I think makes it funny.

This made me think on humour in general and how complex, individual, ingenious it is. How uniquely human. Or is it?

I thought that such an absurd but yet logical joke would be difficult to create computationally as it has cultural and literary undertones.

While I know that humour is a challenge tackled by various AI projects, I’ve now discovered that there is a whole field called Computational Humor that exist for 30 years.

Already in the mid 90s there were some simple puns generated by linguistic system:

/Q: What is the difference between leaves and a car?/

/A: One you brush and rake, the other you rush and brake./

/Q: What do you call a strange market?/

/A: A bizarre bazaar./

That’s pretty good for a system that was created before Windows 95!

Recently The Economist published an article A new AI language model generates poetry and prose about AI generated text for stories, poetry and comedy sketches.

The article starts with a poem

“Elon Musk by Dr Seuss” describing Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk’s run-ins with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

“Musk,your tweets are a blight.

They really could cost you your job,

if you don’t stop

all this tweeting at night.”

…Then Musk cried,

“Why? The tweets I wrote are not mean,

I don’t use all-caps

and I’m sure that my tweets are clean.”

“But your tweets can move markets

and that’s why we’re sore.

You may be a genius

and a billionaire,

but that doesn’t give you the right to be a bore!”

The writer? GPT-3. A computer software. I hope in 5 years Netflix doesn't start producing Stand up comedy shows by Sophia.

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